Overcoming The Fear of Investing

Investing can feel like a daunting move, especially for beginners. The fear of losing hard-earned money can hold many back from taking the plunge into the world of stocks, bonds, and other investment opportunities. But, the fact of the matter is that overcoming this fear is essential for building wealth and securing a financially stable future.

Understanding the Fear 😨

The fear of investing primarily stems from the fear of the unknown and the fear of loss. Many are intimidated by the jargon and the abundance of choices available in the investment world. The possibility of making a wrong decision and suffering financial loss can be paralyzing. Recognizing that this fear is a common and natural reaction is the first step towards overcoming it. The key here is figuring out how much potential loss you are willing to take, in exchange for the potential gains.

Education is Key 🔑

Knowledge is a power. Start by educating yourself about the basics of investing. There are numerous resources available for beginners, including books, online courses, blogs, and podcasts, that can help demystify investment concepts and strategies. Understanding the fundamentals of how different types of investments work can build your confidence and help you make informed decisions.

Start Small 🤏

You don’t need to have a huge amount of money to start investing. Platforms  like J.P. Morgan, Robinhood, and Charles Schwab allow you to start with a small amount of money, as low as $1 - reducing the risk and making the process less intimidating. Starting small gives you the opportunity to learn and grow your investments over time, gradually increasing your investment as you become more comfortable and confident.


Diversify Your Investments 💰

Putting all your money into a single investment can be risky. Diversification = not putting all your eggs in one basket. By diversifying your investments, you can reduce the impact of a poor performing investment on your overall portfolio. It’s a lot to think about, we get it, which is why you don’t have to do this yourself. An ETF is a product which is great for beginners, because it allows you to invest in a bucket of stocks that come pre-diversified, without breaking your head picking them out yourself. You let the financial pros find the right mix, and you pay a tiny fee that comes out of the value of the asset, rather than paying cash upfront. Most major trading platforms offer ETFs and you can buy them just like you would stocks , here are a few good ones– iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV), Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI) and Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ).

Embrace a Long-Term Perspective 💭

Investing is most effective as a long-term endeavor. Market volatility is normal, and values can fluctuate in the short term. But, historically, markets have trended upwards over the long term. Focusing on long-term goals, rather than short-term fluctuations, can help combat fear.

Accept Some Level of Risk 📉

It's important to accept that all investments come with some level of risk. The key is to find your comfort level of risk and invest accordingly. Remember, with greater risk comes the potential for greater reward. Assessing your risk tolerance can help you make decisions that align with your financial goals and personal comfort level. Here’s an awesome quiz to take to identify your risk level.

The Psychological Aspect

Overcoming the fear of investing is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about addressing the psychological barriers. Practicing  mindfulness and affirmations can help manage anxiety and build a positive mindset towards investing.

The Bottom Line.

The fear of investing can be a significant barrier to financial growth, but with patience and persistence, investing can become an empowering tool for achieving your financial goals.

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